The purpose of temptations

The purpose of temptations

The purpose of temptations is to reveal hidden passions and to battle against them, and this is in order to heal the soul. They are examples of divine mercy. Therefore, leave yourself in God’s hands with confidence and ask for His help, so that He will strengthen you in your struggle.

Hope in God never leads to despair. Temptations bring humility. God knows what each one of us can bear and He allows temptations according to our strength. We should also take care to be vigilant and cautious, so as not to place ourselves into temptation on our own.

Place your trust in God who is good, who is strong, who is the living One, and He will lead you to rest. After the tests spiritual joy follows. The Lord watches over those who endure the trials and tribulations for His love. So do not despair and do not be afraid.

I do not want you to be distressed and confused about what is happening against your will, whether it is just or not. Such sorrow attests to the existence of egotism. Beware of egotism, which hides under the appearance of having rights. Also beware of untimely sorrow, which develops after a righteous rebuke. All excessive grief is from the tempter.

There is only one genuine sorrow, that which develops when we have good knowledge of the miserable condition of our soul. Other sorrows have nothing to do with God’s grace.

Be mindful to have as a guard around your heart the joy of the Holy Spirit and not to allow the evil one to pour in his poison. Be careful!

Be careful, lest paradise which exists within you be turned into hell.

Source:, which cites the following source: “Ἀπὸ τὴ σειρὰ τῶν φυλλαδίων «Η ΦΩΝΗ ΤΩΝ ΠΑΤΕΡΩΝ» τῆς Ἱερᾶς Μονῆς Παρακλήτου Ὠρωποῦ Ἀττικῆς.” Translated by Fr. E.H. and A.H.

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