Why did God Become Man?

Everyone is called to ask: What does Christmas mean to me? When we then ask, “Why did God become man?”, we will come to understand the only “destiny” of man, the only purpose of our lives.

survival west islam

The Survival of the West Hangs by a Thread

A Muslim talks to Andreas Andrianopoulos about the Islamization of the world. The author explains how Westerners usually don’t understand what is happening.

November 30, 2015 by Orthodox Witness
Other faiths

goarch praxis magazine

Is GOARCH’s “PRAXIS” Magazine GOing New Age?

One would expect solid Orthodox material from an Orthodox Christian Department of Religious Education. Does the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese’s educational periodical dedicated to “Spiritual Disciplines” promote the New Age spirit expressed by Kyriakos Markides?

holy great synod orthodox church

Why the “Holy and Great Synod” of the Orthodox Church should not convene

The “Holy and Great Synod” of the Orthodox Church is slated to convene in 2016. Here is what Orthodox faithful need to know about this pseudo-synod.

October 13, 2015 by Fr. Emmanuel Hatzidakis


The Transfiguration: Was Christ Transformed?

Was Christ transformed into something He was not or did He allow the eyes of the three disciples to become receptive to see Him the way He always was?

orthodox scouting

Orthodox Church: End Relations with Boy Scouts of America

Now that Boy Scouts of America has shown its true colors, the Orthodox Church should end relations with this synchretistic organization.

orthodox reaction homosexual marriage

The Orthodox Church’s Reaction to Homosexual Marriage

Shortly after the June 26 Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage, a friend emailed me an article with her own comment in two short monosyllabic words: “So sad.” My reply was a bit longer: “The world continues its course, and Orthodox Christianity its own. The two are diametrically opposed. There should be no surprise there.” I think we should add a few more thoughts on this important subject.

ecumenist bishop

What Should we do when our Bishop is an Ecumenist?

What should we do when we witness the acknowledged first-in-honor bishop of the Orthodox Church flagrantly violating the canons of the Church with common prayers and with statements that compromise the uniqueness of the Church?

the outpost

[Video] The Outpost: What the Church can accomplish

To those who suffer in life, this video will provide comfort, and it will soften even the hardest of hearts.

charlie hebdo freedom out of bounds

Charlie Hebdo: Freedom out of Bounds?

Charlie Hebdo: Has your right of expression gone too far? To joke, mock, caricature and satirize religious figures has boundaries of decency.

reunification of orthodox catholic churches

Is Reunification of Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches Imminent?

With the ecumenical patriarch sacrificing almost everything for the sake of unity, the reunification of Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches is Imminent, now more than ever.

tim cook being gay from god

Dear Mr. Tim Cook: Being Gay is not from God

Mr. Tim Cook: The sobering truth is that being Gay is not from God.

is islam compatible with western world 9-11

Islam: Compatible with the Western World?

The west has still to learn its lesson that Islam is simply irreconcilable with western values.

September 9, 2014 by Fr. Emmanuel Hatzidakis
Other faiths

the heavenly jerusalem orthodox

Is Israel the Promised Land?

Zionist Jews, and with them many fundamentalist Bible thumpers, literally believe in the eternal covenant Yahweh made with them, 4,000 years ago. Today, the behavior of Israel towards the Palestinians over earthly lands resembles the Nazis. The persecuted have become the persecutors. How can it be? And how can it change?

Patriarch Bartholomew Charlie Rose

Do all Religions Have the Same Heavenly Father?

“WE ARE ALL BROTHERS AND SISTERS” Are we? First in Jerusalem (May 27, 2014), and more recently in Rome (June 8, 2014), Patriarch Bartholomew hammers the message of universal brotherhood with intra-Christian and interfaith prayer services (which according to the canons of the Orthodox Church are prohibited) and with statements and declarations to that effect.

the mother of God in iconography

The Story of the Mother of God in Iconography

On Mother’s Day, together with our earthly mothers, we honor the mother of the Lord. She who is the mother of the head of the body is also mother of all the members of the body. In this post, we’ll take a look at the life of the Lord’s Mother depicted in holy icons.

churching in the orthodox church

Revising the Orthodox Christian Churching Ritual

Presenting our children to the Lord, whether they are male or female, first born or otherwise, is proper and commendable, but certain prayers in the Orthodox Churching service, taken from the Mosaic Law, should be eliminated from our prayer books!

February 1, 2014 by Fr. Emmanuel Hatzidakis

infant christ

What was the Lord Jesus like as an infant?

Was Christ born as a “helpless” baby? Did the infant Christ use his human will? Fr. Emmanuel responds to these questions from S.N. who read “Jesus: Fallen?”

December 23, 2013 by Fr. Emmanuel Hatzidakis

orthodox thanksgiving day prayer

Orthodox Thanksgiving Day Prayer

An Orthodox Thanksgiving Day prayer for when we find ourselves among non-Orthodox.

exaltation of the precious and life giving cross

Q&A — “Why do we venerate the Cross?” and 7 other questions about the Cross

The Church places before us the Lord’s Cross to venerate and to remember. Why do we venerate this instrument of death? Eight questions and answers.

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